기사 메일전송
The Anyang·Incheon Region School Bus Presentation
  • 영자신문편집국장
  • 등록 2017-06-01 11:12:26




On April 4, 2017, a presentation about the Anyang·Incheon school bus service was held in the Central Seminar Room at 5:30 p.m. The main contents of this presentation were guidance about route changes, prohibition of standing in buses, and reasons for making these decisions.


According to the school, on March 27, the company notified them that from April 3, students can’t stand in buses for legal and safety reasons. The integration of bus stops was executed because of the possibility that students can’t get on buses in spite of having waited. Moreover, they added that they proceeded with the bus stop integration plan after selecting bus stops by considering student demand and accessibility. At Q&A time, students faulted the attitude of the school because the school did not communicate with students by survey or through public hearing before making this decision. And students pointed out that the data of bus users which was made by bus drivers was inaccurate.


Students demanded that the Students Union and the Emergency Planning Committee try to find a better solution than just passing this problem on to future bus users. Throughout the presentation, both sides seemed to seek convenience for themselves. However, after the director of the Welfare Center apologized sincerely and promised to discuss this work thoroughly, students accepted his proposal and the presentation ended.



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