기사 메일전송
The Press Conference of the Bombaram Campaign
  • 영자신문편집국장
  • 등록 2017-06-01 11:11:21


  The Central Election Management Committee (hereinafter referred to as the CEMC) received an accusation against the Bombaram campaign's headquarters from an anonymous accuser on March 20, 2017. The accusation claimed that Mr. Pyeon, who was a member of the CEMC, leaked the CEMC’s work proceeding to the Bombaram campaign's headquarters. For this reason, the CEMC disqualified the Bombaram campaign’s right to field a candidate on March 26, 2017 because of this intervention in the election. A recorded tape was adduced to prove the leak of the CEMC meeting minutes. As a result, the Student Union election wasn't held this semester since the Ullim campaign’s headquarters withdrew its candidate voluntarily.



   A press conference organized by the Bombaram campaign’s headquarters was held at the Community Welfare Center’s small assembly hall on March 31, 2017. With regard to the CEMC’s disciplinary action, the Bombaram campaign said that we think the unclear and nameless accuser may have intended to harm us because he or she made the claims against us the day before the CEMC announced the election bylaws without providing exact confirmation of the facts. Also, the Bombaram campaign asserted that the CEMC considered the leak of the proceedings in connection with the Bombaram campaign’s intimate acquaintance with Mr. Pyeon. Furthermore, they said the CEMC caused the baseless controversy, and the intervention in the election. In other words, there was no evidence to support the accusation other than the association of Mr. Pyeon with the Bombaram campaign. Moreover, they said that we maintain that the recorded tape which is the CEMC’s evidence is imperfect as corroborative evidence.



   In addition, the Bombaram campaign said about the regulations revision that the CEMC announced on the 22nd that “Applying the revised regulations to the bill of indictment received on the 20th was an obvious mistake.” Among the revision regulations is a regulation “assuring the anonymity of the accuser.” This is an action that protects the accuser too much, and if someone had already received a bill of indictment, the amendment should not be applicable. Also, the CEMC did not comply with the rules of the election when it permitted the Emergency Planning Committee to disclose the punishment details to the Bombaram campaign.



   In addition to this, the CEMC broke the rule about accusations which states that they should implement immediately proceedings related to the accusation. Also, the Bombaram campaign said punishment based on opinions and supposition is very unreasonable. Finally, the Bombaram campaign makes position clear by saying that "In the meantime, we didn't want to damage the school's image, so we didn't want the article to be published, but the student council is essential for students, so within the university public opinion is needed."


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