기사 메일전송
YOUTH-A Fever of Youth, the Story You Haven't Been Told Yet
  • 최수진 수습기자
  • 등록 2017-06-01 11:06:44
  • 수정 2017-06-01 11:11:44


  We started our twenties in various ways and it is ongoing. We want to meet the opposite side of our current selves with the understanding that there will be deviations from each other's ordinary lives. But we can't challenge ourselves easily because we know it is important to face reality. So the Pharos went to the exhibitio

n 'YOUTH-A Fever of youth, the story you haven't been told yet' to consider our negative selves. The aim of this exhibition, with the theme of youth culture, is to demonstrate the dynamism of young people who want to challenge themselves in their 20s, and to encourage them to do something about it once. So through this exhibition, I think you can see a wide variety of perspectives and the happiest moment in your life.

Part 1. Staggering youth and the record of deviation

Concept: Pictures, images, graphics, paintings, etc. that express the frustration and anguish of deviant youths Artists: Adrienne Salinger, Chi Modu, Dash Snow, Kwangkee Lee, Jae Huh, etc.

  In Part 1, you can see works that express the frustration and agony of youth from various perspectives. This part is decorated with barbed wire and various neon signs, skateboards, and beat music, which visually express the confused and wandering state of some youths. We are students and have a passion for studying, but we can enjoy hobbies involving musical instruments and sports, and also play various games with friends. However, we can also experience the anxiety, wandering, or frustration and agony that some people experienced in their teenage years or twenties by encountering this reality from various perspectives as shown in this section. On the screens of various TVs, djing and variously colored images were shown, and the people in the photographs were tattooed or dressed in a unique way. At the time of the underage, there were also scenes of underage of smoking and tobacco use which cannot be done, and we were able to see deep inside by the instinct of youths who rebelled against the existing order. In addition, the Hangul words were expressed in neon signs, and I felt that various expressions such as 'Your baby is adorable as he is your child', 'How hard it was to bring you up', and so on, expressed a feeling of despair.

Part 2. The tremulous moment of beautiful youth

Concept: Pictures and videos of optimistic youthful feelings of beauty and trembling youth Artists: Andrew Lyman, Deanna Templeton, Ryan McGinley, Paul Franco, etc.

  Part 2 expresses moments of adolescence when people enjoyed freedom without hesitation or times that we cannot return to with beautiful images and pictures. Unlike the dark and dazzling images of Part 1, this section consisted of works that blended bright colors with pastel colors and other vibrant colors. The open exhibition hall seemed to show free and open views of youth and the atmosphere was optimistic and bright. The images in the works were of a youth that greatly enjoyed freedom. The artist said that it contained the most brilliant moments of youth in life sublimated into joy and delight, but the moments seemed to be felt directly. They were lying on the clouds, standing with their arms open, and hugging each other, and pleasant laughs were expressed in various directions. It was felt that the beautiful scenes of people who were not decorated differently and beautiful scenery were well expressed and conveyed the joy of the most beautiful and glorious moments of youth. Beautiful pastel colors such as soft pink and blue, beautiful sunlight, and natural vivid colors were so beautiful. In addition, nude photos of various people with vivid colors were on one side of the wall. It was impressive that all of these people in their 20s were happy.


  Looking at this exhibition, we were able to look back on our youth when we lived through busy days and failed to cherish moments. We live in the period of youth. You may have heard adults say, 'Your mind is youthful yet'. I think youth is a time for which a certain period or age cannot be set. Not only the twenties, but all of us regardless of age should live with a mind set that treasures the moments that we laugh and enjoy without any thought the most brilliant and beautiful moments of the youth we can all experience.

Exhibition Name: YOUTH-A Fever of Youth, The Story You Haven't Been Told Yet

Period: 2017.02.09 - 2017.05.28 Place D MUSEUM

Exhibition Time: Tue-Sun: 10:00AM-6:00PM

                        Fri, Sat: 10:00AM-8:00PM

                        Ticket deadline: 30 minutes before the end of

                        the exhibition Closed on Mondays, closed on holidays


 68th Cub Reporter / CHOI SOOJIN

 68th Cub Reporter / KIM EUNSONG

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